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Freitag, 18. Oktober 2019, 22:16

Kurt Sutter wurde gefeuert

Kurt Sutter hatte sich bei den Mayans schon vor einer Weile auf eigenen Wunsch auf einen Executive-Producer-Posten zurückgezogen und Elgin James die Führung überlassen. Von diesem Posten wurde er jetzt von Disney/FX entlassen, da er angeblich ein feindseliges Arbeitsumfeld bei Autoren, Produzenten, Darstellern und der Crew erzeugt hat.

Zu diesen Anschuldigungen hat er sich öffentlich in einem Brief geäußert...

Zitat von »Kurt Sutter«

The big picture. If anyone cares.
Thanks for taking a look.
Let me begin by saying, I know who I am. I know the impact of my process. I’m intense and passionate. I take what I do very seriously. That’s what having a vision manifests. And if you fuck with that vision, I’m gonna push back. When I’m right, I let the work speak for itself. When I’m wrong, I own it, make amends and fix it.

I pride myself on having a supportive and empowering set. I try to acknowledge all the hard work everyone does. I’m clear that it’s a collaborative effort. And I try to pass that philosophy down to my writers and producers so they do the same.

Disney letting me go today was apparently based on data collected by HR and Business Affairs from writers, producers, cast and crew. They claim the intel suggests that I created a climate of hostility, favoritism and enabled a set where no one felt safe or appreciated. I know that’s not true. I’m not saying it was all sunshine and roses, but I’m close with most of those guys and they love going to work. I’m also not sure how, having been on set… maybe three times all season, I was able to singularly create that much damage.

What I do own, what I see now in hindsight, is that detaching myself so much this season was a mistake. I understand how it was perceived as me sticking my head in the sand. And that people felt like no one was steering the ship. But that wasn’t a management error on my part, it was a creative decision to empower Elgin and the future of the show. The reason I decided to do it, was because the network forced me to hire a directing EP to run the production end. So I did. He came in with a lot of experience and his enthusiasm gave me confidence he could do the job. So, with Elgin, the new EP in place, and with Jon Pare our great line producer, I stayed focused on story, writing and post.

Never did I think the ship was off course until after mid season when I suddenly was bombarded with unfavorable reports about the tension on set. I am not going to mention names, because I don’t want to point fingers. So yes, there were complaints. And ultimately whomever they are about lands on me to fix. That’s when I contacted the network to let them know. They told me they’d look into it. And to sit tight. So I did.

Who I have been hard on this season is the studio and network. I’ve felt the creative scrutiny of Disney from day one. Notes on scripts and cuts have been heavy handed. Demanding a level of dumbing-down story and inane PC restraints like I’ve never experienced before. I genuinely feared for the creative future of the storytelling. So I pushed back.Hard. No different than I have in the past. In fact, much tamer than I ever was on SOA. However, I was dealing with personnel who didn’t know me. And my level of… passion. Clearly I ruffled a few mouse ears.

I know my role at Mayans MC was going to be greatly reduced. I am handing off the show to Elgin. So it’s not the job that’s the issue.

What pisses me off, what hurts the most, is that John Landgraf and Dana Walden sat across from me and sited a summary of a slanted truth formulated by lawyers and clerks. They blamed my dismissal on the cast and crew.

People I care about. People I respect. They had no first hand knowledge of anything they were saying. They’ve never been on set or spoken to any of my people. I’m not saying all of the intel was bullshit. But I know that’s not why I was fired. The truth is, the suits wanted me gone. I stepped on toes and bruised egos. And in this Disney regime, I’m dangerous to the wholesome brand. And clearly not worth the trouble. So 18 years of friendship, loyalty and producing quality television, was flushed down the drain. They threw me under the fucking bus.

I send this diatribe because I feel deeply wronged. They embarrassed me. They created a false narrative that could damage my reputation and career. I want them to understand the depth of that mistake.

Talk soon.




Damit sind dann wohl auch die "First Nine" vom Tisch. :(

Falls ich das Gefühl habe, dass die Mayans zum Ende der Staffel hin verweichlichen, mehr PC werden oder ihren "Sutter-Charme" verlieren, den ich schon bei SOA lieben gelernt habe, bin ich bei einer etwaigen Nachfolge-Staffel raus. Sollte es eine Folge-Staffel geben, werde ich die erste, vielleicht auch zwei Folgen abwarten, bevor ich mich entscheide, ob ich subbe.

Wenn Disney dann wirklich das Sagen hat, hab ich keine Lust auf die 'Sieben Zwerge auf Motorrädern'.
Aber ich hoffe noch, dass sich Elgin James durchsetzen kann. Zumindest macht er nicht den Eindruck, als ob er sich von jemandem reinreden lässt. ;)


Freitag, 18. Oktober 2019, 22:27

Würde ich genauso machen frum...solch weichei eitschi daitschi brauch keine sau :rock:


Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2019, 18:57

Hallo, ich hoffe das ist erlaubt.
Kurt Sutter hat deadline ein ziemlich langes aber aufschlussreiches interview bezüglich seiner entlassung usw gegeben.
Ich für meinen Teil befürchte jetzt erstrecht das es um MAYANS MC und alle weiteren Serienideen schlecht bestellt ist...

Link zum Interview