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Tuesday, June 9th 2009, 3:11pm

"My Name is Earl" offenbar ins Kabelfernsehen - UPDATE: Kein Senderwechsel


Vor vier Wochen setzte NBC wie von uns berichtet die Sitcom "My Name is Earl" ab. Die Produktionsfirme 20th Century FOX ist seitdem auf der Suche nach einem Sender, der die Serie doch noch fortsetzen moechte.



Tuesday, June 9th 2009, 8:27pm

Super Nachrichten! :thumbsup:


Wednesday, June 10th 2009, 4:32am

Allerdings, wäre schön wenn MNIE ein würdiges Ende bekäme!

PHP Source code

if (
$SeriesStock != '0'
echo " :)  ";
} else {
echo " ;(  ";


Thursday, June 11th 2009, 9:29pm

'My Name is Earl' will NOT live on


Despite reports that TBS was on the verge of rescuing My Name is Earl from NBC's scrap heap, a spokesperson for Twentieth Century Fox Television confirms that the the Emmy-winning comedy is officially dead.

In a statement, the studio rep said, "While we had hoped to find a way to produce additional episodes for TBS, in the final analysis we simply could not make the economics work without seriously undermining the artistic integrity of the series. As none of us, [series creator] Greg [Garcia] included, want the show to go out on anything but a high note, we regret that we must put to rest any speculation that Earl will continue. We are grateful to everyone at TBS for their enthusiasm for the series and wish to offer our heartfelt thanks to the cast and crew of My Name is Earl for their incredible work."

Quelle: Michael Ausiello, EW

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Loose!


Friday, June 12th 2009, 5:31am

lol...öhm ja. Nach Las Vegas die nächste Serie bei NBC welche mit "to be continued" endet... ich könnt brechen bei diesem Crap Sender -.-

Hier noch die News auf Serienjunkies:


Friday, June 12th 2009, 6:53am

Argh! Was ne Schande... :(


Sunday, June 14th 2009, 2:49pm

sehr schade - hab die serie geliebt!