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Generals Statistics

Online since: Feb 2nd 2006, 1:47pm Members: 96 062 Members since Start: 369 392 Banned Users: 115
Threads: 48 007 Threads since Start: 52 065 Closed Threads: 195 Threadhits: 133 602 874
Posts: 527 207 Posts since Start: 568 376 Private messages: 416 683 Private messages since Start: 560 909
Smilies: 129 Polls: 1 037 Benutzeravatare: 3 959 Groups: 26
Styles: 5 Attachments: 203 183 / 5.55 GB Banned Signatures: 18 User record: 10052

Day Statistics

Today Threads: 0 Posts: 0 Registrations: 0
Yesterday Threads: 0 Posts: 0 Registrations: 0
Bevor yesterday Threads: 0 Posts: 0 Registrations: 0

Averange Statistics

Threads per day: 6,91 Posts per day: 75,87 Logins per Day: 13,82 Private messages per day: 59,97
Threads per member: 0,5 Posts per member: 5,49 Hits per User: 1 390,8 Private messages per User: 4,34
Posts per topic: 10,98 Hits per topic: 2 782,99 Threads per board: 44,33 Posts per board: 486,8

Board with the most Threads

Placement Board Threads Graphic
1 News & Updates 22,796
2 Kino News / Gerüchteküche 1,885
3 Gesucht & Gefunden 1,188
4 Untertitel-Ablage 1,029
5 Serien-Neustarts 913
6 Vorstellung 712
7 Lost 661
8 Talk über Serien 608
9 Off-Topic 547
10 Feedback 445

Board with the most number of posts

Placement Board Posts Graphic
1 Spämforum!!! 34648
2 News & Updates 22796
3 Untertitel-Ablage 13704
4 Lost 13394
5 Breaking Bad 8424
6 Doctor Who 7816
7 Kino News / Gerüchteküche 7669
8 Talk über Serien 6795
9 Dexter 6627
10 Feedback 6468

Threads with the most number of replies

Threads with the most number of hits

Threads with the best rating

Members with the most posts

Placement Members Posts Graphic
1 Fuzzy 9 235
2 glumpf 8 782
3 hooky 7 293
4 angeldream 6 602
5 Corax 6 366
6 Alex 6 363
7 Hampton 6 030
8 marlboro 5 572
9 Fischchen 5 553
10 zmokeyjoe 5 335

Members with the most startet threads

Placement Members Threads Graphic
1 Fuzzy 2 387
2 Glumpf 2 095
3 zmokeyjoe 2 049
4 hooky 1 967
5 Alex 1 489
6 TheFaceOfBoe 1 252
7 The Hellraiser 1 184
8 Derwisch 1 145
9 angeldream 1 124
10 Fischchen 1 114