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Tuesday, April 12th 2011, 12:48am

Human Target - Hoffnung auf Staffel 3


Human Target Hopeful in returning for Season 3

WonderCon 2011 in Downtown San Francisco brought a lot of talent out and this year they were bringing some of T.V.’s “A gamers.” Human Target who stars Mark Valley and Jackie Earle Haley, based off of characters from the DC Graphic Novel with the same title, was one of them. There was a panel on Sunday that had a special treat for fans that attended as they delivered a special video presentation prepared exclusively for WonderCon, followed by the question and answer with the cast and crew.

Weiterlesen -> Quelle: WHRAGARBL TV


Wednesday, May 11th 2011, 9:15am

auch diese serie wurde abgesetzt,echt schade!
Real life... Ne kenn ich nicht, schick mal n link!